Steam on Void Linux

Posted on May 30, 2022

How to install Steam on Void Linux

1. Non-free repositories

To install Steam, you will need to enable the non-free repositories. To do so, install the non-free repository packages:

# xbps-install -S void-repo-nonfree void-repo-multilib-nonfree

2. Install Steam

Now, you should have the Steam package available. To install it:

# xbps-install -S steam

3. Additional packages

Unlike the Arch Linux steam package, in Void Linux this package does not contain the additional library packages. To install them:

# xbps-install -S libgcc-32bit libstdc++-32bit libdrm-32bit libglvnd-32bit

3.1. Nvidia packages

Nvidia users will need driver packages for Nvidia GPU’s. To install them:

# xbps-install -S nvidia nvidia-libs-32bit

The nvidia-libs-32bit package is used for 32-bit program support.

Extra: Void Linux tip

Instead of typing xbps-install -S to install a package, use xi.

To do so, install xtools a collection of helpers to work with xbps:

# xbps-install -S xtools

For more commands: man xtools